July 14, 2023

πŸ”’ Judgy After Dark: Episode 2, The Unbelievable Story of Alison Botha

πŸ”’ Judgy After Dark: Episode 2, The Unbelievable Story of Alison Botha
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On December 18th, 1994, Alison Botha lived in what was known as the "friendly city" of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. After a fun day at the beach with friends, she was approached by a man who picked up an accomplice and the pair began to have their way with her. She was abducted, raped, stabbed, and disemboweled but lived to put them behind bars and tell her story. She went on to become a professional speaker and an advocate for rape victims. Unfortunately, last week her attackers were released. You can help her by listening to her story and signing the petition here:

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